Determination of the content of anthraquinones in compound cassia seed oral solution transformed by photosynthetic bacteria 光合细菌转化复方决明子口服液中蒽醌类成分的含量测定
Advances in studies on chemical constituents and physiological activity of photosynthetic bacteria; 其中一些化学成分具有结构新颖性和较好的生理活性。
Lots of experiments showed that double-plate method was suitble for counting photosynthetic bacteria ( PSB). 通过大量试验,证明双层平板法是光合细菌测数的较好方法。
Research Progress on Device and Technology for Hydrogen Production by Photosynthetic Bacteria 光合细菌制氢试验装置及其技术研究进展
Study status on the photosynthesis of photosynthetic bacteria and H_2-evolving function of nitrogenase 光合细菌光合作用及固氮酶产氢作用研究进展
Effect of Spectrum on Hydrogen Production by Photosynthetic Bacteria 光源和光谱对光合产氢菌群产氢工艺影响研究
Influencing factors for the heat production rate of photosynthetic bacteria in hydrogen production system 光合细菌产氢系统产热速率影响因素
Toxic effect of o-chlorophenol on photosynthetic bacteria growth 邻氯苯酚抑制光合细菌1D生长的毒性效应
Effect of Culture Solution of Photosynthetic Bacteria on Chinese Cabbage Seedlings Treated with UV-C Radiation 光合细菌培养液对苗期白菜UV-C辐射的防护作用初探
Inhibiting effect of photosynthetic bacteria on Microcystis aeruginosa 光合细菌对铜绿微囊藻生长的抑制效应
The infection on acidification pretreatment in high concentration aniline wastewater treatment by photosynthetic bacteria 预酸化对高含量苯胺废水光合细菌处理的影响
A study of the photosynthetic bacteria research in the treatment of saponin manufacturing wastewater 光合细菌处理皂素生产废水实验研究
All the photosynthetic bacteria possess the capability in addition to various facultative aerobes and obligate anaerobes. 所有光合细菌加上各种兼性的好氧生物和绝对的厌氧生物具有这种能力。
Studies on Photosynthetic Bacteria/ Yeast Treatment of Soybean Wastewater 光合细菌/酵母菌处理大豆加工废水的研究
Extraction and Research of Red Carotenoids in Photosynthetic Bacteria 光合细菌红色类胡萝卜素的制取和研究
Research on Prevention of Rainbow Trout Disease by Ozone Cooperating Composite Photosynthetic Bacteria 臭氧配合复合光合细菌对虹鳟鱼病的防治研究
Photosynthetic bacteria found in fresh and salt water, having chlorophyll a and phycobilins; once thought to be algae: blue-green algae. 淡水和海水中的光合细菌;有叶绿素和藻胆素;曾被视为藻类:蓝绿藻。
The purification conditions of photosynthetic bacteria on farming water were studied. 本文报道了光合细菌净化水质条件的研究结果。
Bacteriochlorophyll Any of several types of chlorophyll found in photosynthetic bacteria, such as the purple bacteria. 在光能合成细菌如紫细菌中发现的几种类型的叶绿素。
Isolation and Identification of One Strain Photosynthetic Bacteria and Investigation of Its Ability of Treating Sewage 一株光合细菌的分离鉴定及其处理污水能力的研究
Experimental Investigation on Glucose Transmembrane Transportation and Metabolism of Photosynthetic Bacteria for Hydrogen Production 产氢光合细菌葡萄糖跨膜传输及代谢特性实验研究
It may result from the action of photosynthetic bacteria contained in EM. 这可能是EM中含有的光合细菌作用所致。
The species composition and the biomass of phytoplankton varied whenfeeded with photosynthetic bacteria in fish ponds. 鱼塘泼施光合细菌后浮游植物种类组成及生物量均发生变化。
Immobilization of Photosynthetic Bacteria for Oily Wastewater Treatment 光合细菌固定化及其处理含油废水的研究
Isolation and Identification of Photosynthetic Bacteria and its Application in Eriocheir Sinensis Aquiculture 光合细菌的分离鉴定及在河蟹养殖中的应用
Relating to or caused by photosynthetic bacteria of the class Cyanobacteria. 由氮细菌类光合细菌引起,或与之相关。
A mode of using photosynthetic bacteria and Bacillus for rearing Coelomatra antiquate larvae under no water exchange was studied. 研究了不换水、添加以光合细菌和芽胞杆菌属为主的复合微生物制剂于水中对西施舌育苗的影响。
Research on Separation, Identification, Growth Conditions of Photosynthetic Bacteria and Application Pre-Test 光合细菌的分离鉴定和生长条件优化及应用初探
Study on Immobilized of Photosynthetic Bacteria and Asymmetric Hydrogenation of Acetophenone 光合细菌的固定化及其催化苯乙酮不对称加氢的研究
Law of Light Attenuation in Reaction Liquid of Hydrogen Production by Photosynthetic Bacteria under Anaerobic Condition 光合细菌制氢反应料液中光衰减规律研究